
For questions or assistance with SETHRA's transportation services:

P.O. Box 909
312 Resource Rd.
Dunlap, TN 37327

Tel: 423.949.2191
Fax: 423.949.4023

Comments, compliments or concerns?

Please provide details below and a representative will respond as quickly as possible. To help us help you please include what county you currently reside in so that we can direct your requests to the appropriate offices.


To schedule transportation within your county:

Please contact your county directly at the phone numbers listed below.

  • Bledsoe: 423.447.2444

  • Bradley: 423.478.3053

  • Grundy: 931.592.8260

  • Marion: 423.942.5946

  • McMinn: 423.745.8095

  • Meigs: 423.334.3305

  • Polk-Benton: 423.338.2335

  • Polk-Ducktown: 423.496.2644

  • Rhea: 423.775.4010

  • Sequatchie: 423.949.2191

For Brochures in Large Print please contact the above number.

Para asistencia en español por favor llame 1-800-852-6155 ext. 125

For assistance in any other language please call your local office and we will contact Avaza Language Services for translating.

TTY Telephone Information: Hearing-impared callers may contact SETHRA Transportation through the Tennessee Relay Center by calling 800-848-0298.

Service Hours: 6 a.m.–6 p.m. Local Time 

Office Hours: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Local Time

Employment Opportunities

Click here for current job openings and employment contact information.

Cleveland Urban Area Transit System

Click here for CUATS contact information.

Current GTFS Link