Rural Public Transportation Program Reservation Information
We recommend reservations for local transportation be made at least 24 hours in advance of a scheduled trip.
We recommend reservations for non-local trips be made as far in advance of a scheduled trip as possible. At times there may be a slight delay of pick-up time due to the volume of persons being transported, traffic or weather.
When making your reservations, please share each destination you need to go, so we can schedule routes appropriately and get all passengers to destinations on time. Make reservations for all passengers in your group, so we can confirm available seating.
Reservations must be cancelled as far in advance as possible, but at least two hours before the scheduled pick up time.
Plan to be ready 60 minutes prior to your pickup time in case the driver is running ahead of schedule. Therefore, the driver will not have to wait when they arrive to pick you up.
Drivers are not allowed to wait for passengers for longer than 5 minutes. If the drivers have to wait for passengers this puts the system behind schedule making other passengers late for appointments.
For additional information regarding the Rural Public Transportation Program
Please call 423.949.2191 x122 or x149.
For additional information regarding programs outside of public transportation
Please visit www.sethra.us